Hobart Convention, 2009 Photos

Dave Sings With The Champs
Dave Sings With The Champs

Stateline Grocery Quartet audition for a new lead singer
Keith sings with the Champs
Keith sings with the Champs
Almost a "Close Shave"
Almost a "Close Shave"

John & Dave at the afterglow singing with whats left of Close Shave
John with the perpetual pitch pipe
John with the perpetual pitch pipe
Baby It's Cold Outside !!
Baby It's Cold Outside !!

the four muskateers, having a great time at probably the best pub we found
Nice bunch of Fellows
Nice bunch of Fellows

Looking Smart in the competition uniforms
John and Linda
John and Linda

At the Welcome Dinner. John and Linda Shelton
Peter & Diane Nolan
Peter & Diane Nolan
Our Ladies
Our Ladies

Some of our ladies at the welcome dinner party
Top Lip
Top Lip

What great mouth shapes!!